Wedding Day Nails: Gel or Polish?

Wedding Day Nails: Gel or Polish?

Having great nails for your big day is a must! With all the close up pictures of your fabulous new piece of jewelry, it is hard for bad nails to go unnoticed. But, when it comes to getting a manicure for your big day, there is a new trend popping up everywhere. More and more people are opting to get a gel manicure instead of the regular polish manicure. There are pros and cons to both. With a regular manicure, there is a problem with chipping. Chipped nail colors on your big day can be a nightmare! But, with gel manicures, there are no chipping! They last about 2 to 3 weeks, and the color must be removed with a special remover–not regular polish remover. So that means, no changing colors like you can do with regular polish. Gel manicures are more expensive than regular manicures and take longer to apply because they are set in with a UV light.

So, when planning for your big day and your honeymoon, you have a decision to make: gel or regular? What do y’all think would be the best option for your wedding day? I think i would opt for gel just so you aren’t worrying about touch ups on your honeymoon!

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